So simple, easy to use
Mike, UK
I like the scheduler that is with the PlayIt Recorder software and the user interface.
Callum, Salford
Easy to download and uses standard sound utilities of the computer and not a propitiatory sound card that is no longer supported by our current logging system.
Mark, IL, USA
It does it's job and is free.
James, Newcastle
Quick and easy, naming files is easy.
Steve, FL
It's super simple. Scheduled recording makes it easy to find recordings. I like the custom file names.
Rongomai, Wingellina, West Australia
Simple to setup and very user friendly. Never crashes!
Daniel, Ireland
Simple to use, reliable.
Great recorder.
M vd stokker, Holland
It's so easy to use
Chris, Epsom
It's free – very useful for a community station with limited funding.
Simple, easy to use. Not too resource heavy.
Richard, Scotland, UK