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Voice Tracking
Create a Seg Editor or something so you can quickly record between songs if you need to. This is useful for if you need to go to the toilet, Preparing if you have a Live Band in the studio or if you just need to record a show.
"Available in PlayIt Live 1.12 as a premium feature requiring a PlayIt VoiceTrack licence"
Comment on this feature request:
Tim Conner commented
This can be achieved by using PlayIt Recorder to record between the songs and then replaying it when it is appropriate. I have thought of this earlier and suggested that by incorporating the PlayIt Recorder within the PlayIt Live, this would make it easier for creating each segment.
Andrew Tijou commented
I think Charlie might be looking for a replacement for Myriad too, I agree, and I think it would be nice to have it as a built in feature rather than one accessed from another application.
Jason Allen commented
Voice tracking will be part of PlayIt Live eventually but in order to get the workflows correct and avoid disrupting PlayIt Live it will be available in PlayIt VoiceTrack first.
Jason Allen commented
PlayIt VoiceTrack is now released allowing you to record a show recording only the voice links: https://www.playitsoftware.com/Products/VoiceTrack . Voice tracking and segue editing will be added to PlayIt Live in the next release. I will leave this feature request in progress until voice tracking is included in PlayIt Live.


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