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Remote / fader start (Vm110/K8055 Usb kit)
Remote start via Vm110/K8055 Usb kit for players and midi device for cart players.
Comment on this feature request:
Paul Lowman commented
This is a key feature. Midi - so we can use an external midi device to trigger the cart wall and players. It would be nice if the midi device follows the color of the cart wall. USB kit so that we can do fader starts
Jason Allen commented
Support added for MIDI devices as part of the new Remote Start plugin: https://www.playitsoftware.com/Plugins/View/RemoteStart
Harry D commented
Remote start by a Velleman Vm110/K8055 USB kit for players so it can be used on a dx2000 usb mixer or other with pushcontact buttons.
Scott Roberts commented
Yes! This is a great interface option between an audio mixer and software. This is the only thing I miss from my previous automation system…


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