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Create a Text file for each song
It would be nice if each song had a tab that would allow access to Text information such as Year, Album, or any information relavent to that song. This info could be useful in Live assist situation. It could be a tab next to the song in the Right hand list or within the lefthand playout list. I imagine that by clicking on the tab next to the title would display a pop up info box containing the text stored there. I often back announce a song. This info would be helpful to recall the album, the year, an award ect. I also utilise year jingles, being able to see the year a song was popular would allow me to place the appropriate Jingle before the song.
"PlayIt Live 1.16 now stores additional information for tags and comments and comments can be displayed on the main playout log interface by clicking on an item to expand it."
Comment on this feature request:
Carl Waring commented
Was just going to suggest this myself.
S Thel commented
Currently I am using the Outcue Text box in "Edit Tracks". This allows viewing info placed there when using PFL window. Double click any song not playing to see PFL box. Text in Outcue is displayed.
Alessio Mancarella commented
It would be also great if this could also/alternatively load an artist-specific note (e.g. bio) when a song-specific note was not created
Ron Ackerman commented
I don't have time for a lot of clicking. I need it at a glance. I have seconds to tell the listeners the songs that just played Title, Artist, Album and year. So being able to specify what metadata displays at a glance is very important to me and the other DJ's at our station.


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