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Indicate in PlayIt Live when someone is connected to Voice Tracking or Remote Management
When someone is working in Remote Management or Remote Voice Tracking, someone could close PlayIt Live (e.g. to do an update) and disconnect the remote user, deleting their work. It would be better to indicate these connections in PlayIt Live to prevent data loss.
Comment on this feature request:
Jason Allen commented
Remote Voice Tracking nor Remote Management maintain persistent connections so this is an impractical request. There is no data loss, since changes are applied on the fly.
Andrew Barron commented
In this case, would it be possible to make Remote Management and VT handle the case of "PlayIt was restarted while you were working" more clearly? If you were editing a clock while PlayIt was restarted, in order to save your work, you need to understand what the error message means, open PlayIt in another tab, sign in there, then go back to the original tab and press Save again (since restarting PlayIt clears active login sessions). If you press save on an individual clock item's settings while PlayIt is closed, you get an infinite loading indicator.


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