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Possible improvements for the PlayIt Cartwall
I would like to congratulate you on the PlayIt Cartwall. It's a great tool for broadcasting live sounds. Based on my experience, I think it could be improved with the following features: - Being able to save sessions and the configuration of all uploaded sounds. So I can save configurations and prepare them in advance. - Being able to individually level the volume of each sound. This way I can simultaneously emit sounds in the foreground or background and create a more accurate sound environment. - Allow a sound to be restarted from the moment it was stopped (i.e. pause function). So I can temporarily stop a sound to give way to a live intervention, but then continue with the same sound, without having to restart. - Just as you can Fade out, be able to set a Fade in (individually). This way I can have different starts and create, with simultaneous Fade out and Fade in, a Crossfade of sounds. Thanks again for this great job.
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