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Cross Fading
It would be nice if there was a cross fading feature between songs. And then you could set like :10 seconds of the outgoing song to overlap :10 seconds of the incoming song. That way the outro song isn't a hard cut into the intro song.
“This can be achieved by setting Cue Out and In points on tracks via track analysis.”
Comment on this feature request:
Carl Waring commented
Isn't that what it does already using the 'cut-out' or 'outro' point?
Paul Birch commented
Is their a way to cut the out oing cap at the nd of a track, so the track will go out & come in without any caps? I have tried the cut out options but I can't find it Paul
Shawn Mac commented
I found away. on you're track there is a way. click on the box make sure checkmark is there and it what they say scrubs you're song to give it best crossfade time and then go into you're settings to set how long it crossfades for then it works only thing I would like to see is a crossfade button with all the current settings in it to make it easy to find.


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