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mp3 tag reading
Would be great if the software was configurable to read whatever mp3 tags the user specified, so that the players would then show that info as well as the artist and title info. Eg year and comment tags.
"PlayIt Live 1.16 now stores additional information for tags and comments and comments can be displayed on the main playout log interface by clicking on an item to expand it."
Comment on this feature request:
Keith Doxey commented
This would be a great feature to have. All my MP3 files contain chart information in the format #23 - 15 Apr 1987 - 9 wks It would be great to see that on the bottom line of the player
Ron Ackerman commented
Very Important,
Chris Ridley commented
Having entered the track details on one laptop, then used the same tracks (stored on an external hard drive) with a different laptop, the track information doesn't work, only on the original laptop.
Jason Allen commented
Hi Chris PlayIt Live does not modify the metadata stored in the audio files - the data is stored in the PlayIt Live database.


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