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Automated Tracks Selected by Genure
I think it would be a good idea for the Semi-Auto / Auto mode to be able to pick songs from Genure and ignore playout policy if told to by the clock. To put this into an example. Every weekday night between 11pm-12am my station has a show called the Winddown Hour. Its "automated" but I have to manually drag an hours worth of music into the log for it to work, every night! It would be so much easier if I could put the genure as "Winddown" for all slow tracks, and between 11-12 there will be a clock that overwrites the playout pattern. I think alot of others would also find this helpfuk! Thanks :)
"See comment from Daan Berg."
Comment on this feature request:
Daan Berg commented
Hey Charlie, This is already possible. Just make sure your clock is long enough, add it to the planning and the clock will overrule whatever is in your playout pattern. Think of the playout pattern as a 'last resort' for PlayIt -- when there is absolutely nothing to play from a clock or user added list, it will fall back to the playout pattern.


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