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why not have some online encoders for shout cast and icecast just for thous that have a on line radio station and some mic imputs
"This feature is available as a plugin for PlayIt Live 1.09"
Comment on this feature request:
andrew oesterling commented
i think this would be very useful feature and should be the next thing they add because alot of people use shoutcast
World Famous 704djs commented
Encoder for broadcasting is need we have a lpfm station and we are testing the program with our internet feed and there no way to use the shoutcast with this program or nothing unless you use a 3rd party encoder and you still have song title broadcasting issue
jesus alba commented
i use tunein and the people want the song name to show
jesus alba commented
i use tunein and the people want the song name to show
Shawn Dunning commented
Yes please add this we need this
Mark Ambrose commented
I have not been able to use due to not knowing how to get online, this is needed.
Chris Thomas commented
Very excited this feature is in progress. Thank you for your hard work! Do hope everybody here is going to help feed the duck once PlayIt Live streaming is ready.
Jason Allen commented
This feature is now available as plugin for PlayIt Live 1.09 which is available to download as a beta version: https://www.playitsoftware.com/Products/Live


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