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Volume control
Without it the program is crippled, I'm afraid. There is no way to adjust volume of tracks or carts, no option to make all quiet when microphone is in use. Just a bit of volume control would make huge difference! Big button (with keyboard shortcut) "Mic" would help a lot, especialy for those of us who talk a lot on air!
"This can be solved with the Microphone Mix / Push To Talk plugin"
Comment on this feature request:
Mark Hawkins commented
The idea of this program seems to be to make an output which can be fed to a mixer channel or multiple channels It is the mixer that fades the audio for the presenter.
Robert Lowe commented
A bulk track normalizer would solve this problem
Samuel Hunt commented
We try to run all the studio at -10dB level, so then when we have microphone then it doesn't clip and gets dealt with at the TX processor. Most tracks are normalised, and without re-normalising everything to -10dB then it means we can't carry on this practice when voicetracking. What would be nice is to dip all tracks down -10dB, EXCEPT the voicetracked ones, so they play at "full" volume (they would be recorded at -10dB to start with)
Martin Eagle commented
Zara Radio has a 'Talk Over' button (or T on the keyboard) that lowers the volume whilst talking. Something simple like that would be a great feature on PlayIt Live. Thanks.
Anthony McIntyre commented
Individual cart volumes please.
Jason Allen commented
This can be solved with the Microphone Mix / Push To Talk plugin
Marc Wegkamp commented
I simply installed a mouse programme that allows me to used the scroll button for volume when another button is pressed


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