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Cue points (in, intro, out) fine-tuning
It is very difficult to fine-tune the cue points for the tracks. This may be fine with intros, but it can be inaccurate when you have in (or out) points that are not at the beginning (or end) of the song. Let's take "Pumpkin Soup" by Kate Nash for example. I'd like my cue-in point to be at ~10", which is at the end of that 'pre-intro' part. With the current settings it can be difficult to be precise. It'd be of great help if the rough selection that you first do with your mouse could be fine-tuned by editing the timestamp.
"This feature is now available in PlayIt Live 2.04 and PlayIt Manager 1.09"
Comment on this feature request:
Alessio Mancarella commented
This would also help getting more precise loops.
Mark Hawkins commented
This would be a useful application for a MIDI controller with an endless wheel. You could "wind" or "scrub" your position through the track a bit like "rocking and rolling" tape to find the edit point (yes I'm showing my age !).


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