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Beds on voicetrack
When creating a voicetrack you can set a bed, which would be a pre-faded song (faded by 8dB for example). This will play a background bed jingle during a voicetrack. We can do this live by using a "bed" group, which we put in the play log instead of a break note, then we speak over it. However we can't do it easily on voicetracks.
"This feature is now available in PlayIt Live 2.07 and PlayIt VoiceTrack 1.06"
Comment on this feature request:
Ric Mauk commented
I agree, I’ve had to configure weather beds and TOH’s to make it work.
Filipe Bessa commented
I agree
Tamara Sedgbeer commented
I agree, I’ve had to configure weather beds and TOH’s to make it work.
Michael Gocool commented
Xem Xem commented
I agree and should be on PlayIt VoiceTrack too
Matty Boyd commented
Be very good for ramps as well, I'm about to start running a jingle package.
Tamara Sedgbeer commented
yes plesse
Liam Howley commented
Would make my life easier - Totally agree!
Louis Linder commented
Often requested by staff.
Shaun Bennett commented
Will be very much welcomed by a couple of our volunteers as they've been using PlayoutONE's WebVT with this capability
James Jones commented
This has been introduced recently on PlayOutONE WebVT with 3 cart players to play beds in that dip automatically
Greg Baucom commented
Dean Jackson commented
We achieve this by placing the music bed before yeh track you want to play, then on the music bed you set the cue out put at the point you want the track after it in the playlist to play. Then make sure on the music bed you set the sweeper and no fade option on the music bed. This will ensure the music bed doesn’t fade out while your voice track or dry audio track is playing. Hope this helps you


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