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export a future log
When someone would be voice tracking, it would be great to be able to print or export a document for them to see their entire show beforehand so they can prep.
"Available as of PlayIt Live 2.13"
Comment on this feature request:
Kai Randles commented
Yes please this would be really helpful as we have presenters constantly asking for the songs playing during there show and I have to screenshot and send it to them rather than having each day's logon a shared drive! Thanks in advance
AJ McKay commented
Excellent Idea. Would be nice to actually make changes to a downloadable file and upload it back to PlayIt Live too.
Steve Fox commented
I agree, many of my presenters want to be able to prepare off-line and need this information - I can get it after the event - surely it is possible to use the same code to print what is expected to play
Rohit G commented
I am also in need of future logs of the adverts at least, because my client are looking forward for the specific times when adverts are going to play, so that they can monitor it onair.
Rohit G commented
if future log reports of adverts are already there, please let me know as I am new to this software.


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