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Allow jingles to play over the top of the track and before the lyrics begin, automatically.
"PlayIt Live 1.17 now features the ability to automatically configure sweepers using the Sweeper flag on tracks and the Sweep Start/Intro segue style on the segue editor."
Comment on this feature request:
Mark Hawkins commented
In principle this is a good idea. I guess these would be scheduled events and I'm not sure how this should interact with the players and dip the track. It is a difficult facility to get correct.
Paul Shanks commented
This would be a great feature and make any broadcast sound really slick if it's possible.
Martin Pitchford commented
This should be added! Thanks
virgil scigla commented
be real sweet
Stefan N commented
Maybe the new Segue Editor could help you..
Carl Waring commented
Does it not do this already? A very basic feature I would have thought. (Remember RSP Jason?!)
Tim Newton commented
Would be great to have the ability to play a music bed with the voice link over the top as an overlay. Please register my vote for inclusion at some stage.
James Jones commented
Hi Would be good to play a news bed underneath the news automatically Thanks James
Kimmo Salonpaa commented
Hi, any hope getting sweepers working soon with the playout, and that overlay function? These are still holding me back before I could change to Playitlive, as they are extremely vital when making pro radio.
Nathan Pierce commented
Absolutely need this for my station as you need to edit in the segue in you want to put the sweeper over the next song. I think yes this needs to be a request.
Adam Lewis commented
This would be a really good feature to have!
Stuart Baker commented
This would be absolutley fantastic if possible? It would make the output from any radio station sound much slicker!


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