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Auto scheduling the last song up to a timed event to ensure it plays for long enough
Most clock hours start or end with a fixed time marker event (e.g. news). Sod's Law says Playit Live will schedule the last song to start at, say, xx:59:40, plays for 15 seconds then fades out to hit the fixed time event. It would be really nice if PlayIt Live's auto scheduling had an option to ensure the last track played for a minimum time. This probably means looking at the penultimate track and applying a duration filter in its selection to ensure the penultimate track always finished , say, 1-2 minutes before the time marker.
"Available as of PlayIt Live 2.13 as part of the Auto Adjust feature. The Fitting to Time feature will also try to select suitable songs that fit to the target time"
Comment on this feature request:
Glyn Roylance commented
An alternative that I use for Zara is to set a rule that if a track starts after a certain time (I use hh:58:15 I think), then play an instrumental. But auto calculating back timing would be cool - and no doubt a popular paid feature!
Mark Hawkins commented
Much more complex than it seems with rotation rules but a worthwhile feature (and well worth paying a one off licence for)


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