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Select track groups by button instead of pull down list
Instead of the pull down list it would be nice to have the option to select the track groups for search by a button. This would probably have to be an option because some people may prefer pull down lists. Perhaps make the number of buttons/rows configurable too, and definitely have them adopt the same colour as that set in the Track group manager. Finally a "nice to have" would be to give Admin the option to rename "Track Groups" to another word like "Categories", "Genre" etc. Why? Because buttons make it more obvious what is there in that area of the screen and are quicker to use than a pull down menu where it is not obvious what is contained in the menu. The coloured buttons would be more immediately recognisable in a busy studio. Finally I'd like to be able to make the Track Group colour area bigger in the playlist area - maybe even the whole track area. I am using the colours as an indicator of how consistent the presenter's choices are (yes we let them choose!). If they are all same or similar colours then the show is consistent. If it's like a rainbow then they are all over the place and are probably losing us listeners! At present the colour area is a little too small for my liking.
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