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Play NEXT button
My proposition is BIG "Play next" button to the layout. During auto mode, to easier mixing, the nice feature would be a PLAY NEXT button. In the action, this button should play the next position on the playlist. Of course in manual mode, this function should also work. It's great if you use the mouse to play next song. In another soft i had a function which was connected with "play next" button, and after clicking, auto mode was "on" (we may check this option in settings).
"PlayIt Live 2.09 onwards features a Play Next button when live-assist mode is playing."
Comment on this feature request:
Cameron Claassens commented
This is quite a handy feature. Some of the expensive commercial programs have it and I have used it before. Nice to have
Marcos Henrique commented
Yes, this feature would be very useful, and if you can configure a shortcut key to activate this function, it would be great!
Jason Allen commented
There is already a keyboard shortcut for this under File > Settings > Keyboard and scroll down to Live Assist Mode: Play Next
Mark Phillips commented
Yes Please a big green Play Next Button in Live assist mode
Jason Allen commented
PlayIt Live 2.09 onwards features a Play Next button when live-assist mode is playing.


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