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Avoid duplicate entries when importing a folder (in Track Management).
Just a quick feature suggestion - Avoid duplicate entries when importing a folder (in Track Management). I get a lot of promo's and keep them in Record Label folders, adding the new ones as I get them. At the moment I have to find the new ones to import, which can be time consuming. With this feature, I could simply select the folder again and it would only try and import tracks no in the DB. Or to extend that have folder monitoring. This would be an additional setting in the Track Wizard that when selected would scan the "Monitored" folders on startup and import new tracks based on import settings.
"Duplicate track handling is available as of PlayIt Live 1.10"
Comment on this feature request:
Jon Dowe commented
Monitored folders would make this software 100% usable as a replacement for our very expensive but poorly made live automation software.
Roger Peters commented
That would be a really useful improvement and save some much time, Library up dates at present takes ages
George French commented
This would be great, we need this to operate, otherwise our folder structure is just a mess to keep importing new tracks
Edward West commented
This would be a great help when building your first playlist.
Rick Wilbrink commented
I'd like to see the monitoring folder option too :) Plus the option to easily edit / analyse a batch of chosen tracks for Re-Analysing. This instead of only track per time edits.
Jason Allen commented
Duplicate handling is now available in PlayIt Live 1.10 downloadable from https://www.playitsoftware.com/Products/Live (Download Beta)


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