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A Software Translation.
A Software Translation. It would be good if the PlayIt software was translated into a few languages such as French Spanish Italian German Polish for example. Finally, what interests me is French. We are not all bilingual English and especially in France. Will be a plus for the development of the software. I propose to help you translate it into French if you want.
Comment on this feature request:
Daniele Vretenar commented
I don't need a translation of this software but if it can help I can translate it in French or Italian (I am native in both languages and are used to French radio vocabulary)
Philippe GATT commented
Bonjour, nous cela nous intéresserai d'avoir une version française vue que dans notre équipe peux de personnes sont bilingues merci d'avance pour la traduction
Daan Berg commented
Good idea! I'd be happy to help out on a translation to Dutch.
Hafiz Ahmet commented
Where translations are stored on mobile?
Michel Jansen commented
Dutch translation would be appreciated


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