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It would be great to have an audio leveling feature to keep your tracks at a consistent volume
It would be great to have an audio leveling feature to keep your tracks at a consistent volume
This feature is available as part of the Audio Processing plugin.
Comment on this feature request:
Bob Gomez commented
Just use Mp3Gain and you will have it perfectly.
Alex Hasker commented
This would be great in Cartwall if it could be included in the Editor mode to help level clips with using another piece of software.
Hy Candescent commented
It's easy enough to properly-prepare tracks before you import them into the system (as Bob noted, using Mp3Gain or other free software). Too many unnecessary additions will only consume precious CPU resources and make PlayIt Live clunky. :)
Hy Candescent commented
As an aside, you can always use something like the free version of Stereo Tool, which is an excellent audio compressor/processor, to give you a consistent level.
Alessio Mancarella commented
+1. As opposed to the comments here below, I'd see this feature as non-destructive of the original file, pretty much as it was done in PlayIt Voice Track.
Chris Ridley commented
There is an Audio Processing plug-in available for this software, BUT, whenever I've clicked on it for a read, I can only see so much of the page and when I click to move it down to read the rest of the page, it disappears completely, so I can't look at the features etc..
Jason Allen commented
Hi Chris, I've never clicked to scroll down the page, I've just realised that doesn't work. I use the scroll wheel on my mouse.


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