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Now Playing Txt File
I need a now playing.txt that I can use with my encoder which transmits the current song on play it live, to a text file on a single line.
"This feature is available as a plugin for PlayIt Live 1.09"
Comment on this feature request:
Charlie Stone commented
to add to this .. for stuff like Beds, Jingles ETC.. you would need a way of making these not apper on the Now Playing so Just the Music Played?
Boma Ardhian commented
It think recent playlist info will be good for the listener on the net ^^
maz zam commented
Excellent idea. If the text file only harvested files of longer than 60 seconds then it would generally only give the music info.
Callum Coleman commented
Great idea, maybe it could be configured to only transmit certain groups?
Dorian Pearce commented
Now, if this software had voicetracking and this feature i would be using this for our station but, since you dont ill keep using zararadio
AthensPop Media commented
I'd love to have this feature... Especially since it's required for me to broadcast track names.
Charlie Stone commented
To Add to this, maybe make it an HTML Code, For easy embedding to your webiste ?
mark thomas commented
Anyone know how to do this please?
Jason Allen commented
This feature is now available as a plugin for PlayIt Live 1.09 which is currently available as a beta from https://www.playitsoftware.com/Products/Live
Marcel Prodix commented
This is a feature i want to use... bur i can't! I have no Credit Card or paypal account (and i will never get one, dont trust them). will there be another wat to pay for this plugin soon?
Jordi Floor commented
In addition to Charlie Stone: Do post or get request straight to an URL? Just simple with all the possible variables so a webserver can handle the rest (I for example use it to get LastFM/Spotify/YouTube information) Now I have to poll a file and then upload it when it has changed...


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