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Update files
I run prerecorded radio shows and they change daily. I would like to see a button that would update the files AND update them in their respective clock.
"This is now possible with the Monitored Folders feature"
Comment on this feature request:
Jason Allen commented
Hi Van, You should be able to achieve what you want with the existing scheduler. Please could you tell me how you are storing the existing files and the new files you want to update. Have you tried adding the first pre-recorded and replacing this file each day with the new one?
Van Austin commented
I receive the files via RSS feed, then copy them to the correct file in the "radio shows" folder. I store them with a short name such as "commonsense.mp3" without quotes of course. Each morning, I copy the new shows in but the tag within PlayIt shows the old tag and I have to manually change it.


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