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Break Notes in PlayIt Live are markers you can insert into your playout log. These notes serve multiple purposes, from providing reminders to managing periods of non-local audio content.

When you add a Break Note to your playout log, you can specify its duration and include custom text. Break Notes with a duration play silence for the specified period, but this doesn't mean your broadcast goes silent. You can use these timed Break Notes in various ways:

As a placeholder for live speech: During a live broadcast, you can talk over the Break Note's duration, using it as a guide for how long you have for a particular segment.

To indicate external audio sources: Break Notes can represent periods when audio is coming from another source, such as a news feed or a satellite broadcast. This helps you track these segments in your schedule.

Zero-duration Break Notes don't get loaded into a player. These can serve as quick reminders or markers in your playout schedule. You can use them to indicate upcoming events, transitions between segments, or other important information.

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