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Live Assist plays songs only from selected group (ie 70s, 80s, Slow)
If I want to do a show of entirely 70s songs (for which I have a group set) I currently have to select every song manually because Live Assist AutoDJ mode will always play songs from the complete list of available tracks.
"This can be achieved using the playout pattern."
Comment on this feature request:
Jason Allen commented
Hi Carl, You can do this by setting up the playout pattern to only select tracks from your 70s group, or you can set up a clock to choose only 70s tracks at the selected time you are doing your show.
Carl Waring commented
I don't always pre-record shows to a clock hour. (ie I'll start recording at ten-past for an hour) so if there's any chance you could implement it in basic Live Assist it would be appreciated. Thanks.


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