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.m3u cue/intro points
Please make sure that you handle cue / intro points from .m3u. Thanks!
"This can be achieved by first adding the files as tracks to PlayIt Live"
Comment on this feature request:
Jason Allen commented
Cue/intro points are not handled in m3u. There is certainly no standard format to handle this. What is the format of your m3u file?
Envagyok Valaki commented
I'm mixing PowerGold, and export .m3u format. as: # Hour: 00:00 G:\PlayIt User\M\Publicise Your Event ID.mp3 G:\PlayIt User\M\Sam and the Womp - Bom Bom.mp3 G:\PlayIt User\M\Fenech-Soler - All I Know.mp3 ... Filename eq PlaIt Live track. And... Import: Manage > Playout Log > Import.. PlayIt Live play in line without mixing. I open the mix, see the in / out / intro points, but the player does not consider it. He plays all the way all over, without mixing.
Jason Allen commented
I see. You can workaround this by first adding the files to PlayIt Live, which will analyse the tracks for silence. Then you can import them to the playout log.
Envagyok Valaki commented
I did this, but unfortunately you can not see the points in the playlist, just for mixing. :(
Envagyok Valaki commented
Jason Allen commented
The screenshots show different jingles and is therefore not a fair test. Note that the tracks must be added _before_ you import the m3u to pick up the cue points.
Envagyok Valaki commented
The same jingle. One subtitle is the file name, another is the MP3 tag ...
Envagyok Valaki commented
Envagyok Valaki commented
.m3u mode, the mp3 tag is displayed, PlayIt Live mode is the edited title
Envagyok Valaki commented
Hi, Jason! I found the solution! PowerGold fills up the file name with spaces. ex: d:\ music\filename.mp3spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespace..... I've deleted unnecessary spaces and everything is fine! Thanks for the help!


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