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PlayIt Live offers cue sheet support, enabling you to play long-form audio recordings while accurately reporting metadata about the individual tracks contained within them. This feature enhances your ability to manage extended audio content such as albums, live concerts, or compiled shows.
To use this functionality, you need to place a .cue file in the same folder as your long-form audio file. The cue file contains detailed information about the tracks within the larger recording, including start times, durations, and metadata like artist and title. When you play the long-form content, PlayIt Live reads this cue file and uses it to update metadata sent to the Internet Broadcast and Now Playing plugins in real-time.
It's important to note that PlayIt Live doesn't create these cue sheets itself. They must be provided by the content creator or generated using tools like PlayIt VoiceTrack (when mixing down a project) or online services such as cuegenerator.net.
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