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Monitored Folders in PlayIt Live allow you to automatically add, update, or remove tracks from your library by watching specific folders on your computer or network. When you set up a Monitored Folder, PlayIt Live periodically scans it for changes, such as new audio files, updated files, or deleted files, and reflects these changes in your track database.

You can configure Monitored Folders to analyse cue points for new tracks, re-analyse cue points for updated tracks, and update track metadata from file tags. This feature is particularly useful if you have dynamic content, such as news bulletins or weather updates, that are regularly updated in a shared folder. For example, you could set up a Monitored Folder linked to a Dropbox directory to automatically incorporate the latest content into your playout system.

To manage Monitored Folders, navigate to the 'Manage' menu and select 'Monitored Folders'. Here, you can add new folders to monitor, edit existing ones, or check their status. You can also specify whether to include subfolders, automatically add new tracks to a specific track group, and control how PlayIt Live handles deleted files. This automation can save you time and ensure your track library stays up-to-date with minimal manual intervention.

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